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Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound:
The Naked Voice

Chloe will empower us to re-discover our own voices, in spontaneous ways & in group interactive experimentations 

Naked Voice | BBC | Grammy nominated

Chloe Goodchild

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Chloe Goodchild & Wayne P Sheehy accompanying, offering a Singing Field - including devotional love songs, anthemic chants and improvised vocal interactive sound together with energy movement practices for everyone to participate in and enjoy
Expanding & flowing our own voices,
generating a unified field of awareness: a Singing Field


Chloë Goodchild is an international singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its UK Charitable Foundation (2004), dedicated to the realization of compassionate communication in all realms of human life.

Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë’s deep encounter with her inner self, and began a lifetime’s experiential research into the voice as a catalyst for personal evolution and global transformation.

Chloë studied Music, English and Education at Cambridge and Norwich universities (1972 – 76) where she graduated as a Music-English teacher with a B.Ed Hons degree. From the late 70’s she evolved her own East-West vocal research, influenced by travels through Africa, India, Turkey, Europe, USA and Canada. Chloe’s meetings with indigenous wisdom teachers, spiritual and classical Indian music masters, ultimately led to a ‘no-mind’ experience in Northern India, inspired by the great luminary and saint, Anandamayi (1896-1982).

This life-changing experience in 1990, inspired the unique method of sound and voice, which Chloe named The Naked Voice. Her memoir The Naked Voice – Journey to the Spirit of Sound tells the story of these formative early years. (Rider Books 1993). Chloe’s recent book The Naked Voice – Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound is an instructional guide that introduces the essential teachings of The Naked Voice. It was published by North Atlantic Books in 2015.

Inspired by ancient & modern world genres, sacred chants, anthems, love songs & poetry.

:: with much laughter ::

Chloe has sung for HH Dalai Lama at The Good Heart conference, London University, UK; and at The Way of Peace, a world conference held in Northern Ireland. She was music director and composer of The Vagina Monologues with acclaimed playwrite, Eve Ensler, in Madison Square Gardens NYC. Chloe sang there and conducted her Vulva choir of 75 of the top actresses of the world, including Queen Latifah, Jane Fonda, Brooke Shields and Glenn Close

On the morning of September 11th 2001, Chloe was flying from UK over New York, in a United Airlines plane, destined for San Francisco. She was in the air when the tragic news of the World Trade Towers came through.

This gave birth

to her Fierce Wisdom CD, and her world anthem Singing Field, which were performed at, “Transforming September 11th” at the Royal Opera House London.




  • Solo and compilation albums include: DeviSura (Grammy nominated), Fierce Wisdom and  Thousand Ways of Light

  • incl. two Rumi albums,  There is Some Kiss We Want and The Glance (with a Rumi poet, Coleman Barks)

  • collaborated and recorded with Angelo Badalamenti, “Hollywood’s hottest film composer”;

  • Byzantine composer John Tavener; film director Jane Campion (Holy Smoke);

  • Discovery Channel; the BBC and with leading jazz and pop musicians.  

  • Sounds True commissioned Chloe to make two comprehensive CD ‘home learner’ audio books,  Your Naked Voice, and Awakening Through Sound.



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