2018 Winter SOLSTICE Experience | overnight | Newgrage & Dowth
19.12.18 UPDATE: Thank you guys for buying in advance - this helps us plan the food! The overnight experience is sold out. There are normally 2-3 people that cannot make it in the end. If your intuition says "go ahead & buy & be there" - do it. And see you there! http://bit.ly/checkTixSol2018eventbr

Time & Location
20 Dec 2018, 15:15 – 21 Dec 2018, 13:30
Townley Hall Main House, Townley Hall Main House, Slane Rd, Townleyhall, Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland
About the event
Check if tickets available: http://bit.ly/checkTixSol2018eventbrite
Sacredly holding the re-birth within
♧ Grianstad an Gheimhridh ♧
..a time when we can consciously give birth to our dreams and intentions for the year ahead.
This is an annual overnight indoor & outdoor experience held by some of Ireland’s wise Elders and Healers
**********EVENT BY PRE-BOOKING ONLY***********
███▓▒░░ Sunset Dowth alignment ceremony ░░▒▓███
Sauna | Drumming & Dancing | Sound healing, Voice toning, Chanting, Meditation | incl. Food & Communal sleepover/dorm sharing bed option avail. x10 people. Event capacity 80ppl
███▓▒░░ Sunrise Newgrange ceremony ░░▒▓███
NEW VENUE 3km Newgrange
info website: www.wintersolstice.ie
#SOLSTICE tickets via www.consciousconcert.ie
❤ this year’s theme is:
✿ simplicity (of you just being you, stepping into our fullness and multidimensionality, true version of ourselves)
✿ humanness & is-ness (every moment of being a human just “is”) The preciousness of being alive & cherishing one other.
✿ Loving & Unity in Diversity (being the radiance and transmission of love on our planet now, this very moment)
✿ With humor & humility – mastering our highest human transformational self, regardless of the shocks, the dark passages or sun-full ones
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The word Solstice means “sun standing still” or “grian-stad” in Irish. It marks the suns furthest position from us during winter, hence it is the shortest day of the year. The Winter Solstice is significant in our lives because it represents a “rebirth and renewal” of energies both for us and for nature. It is a time when we can consciously give birth to our dreams and intentions for the year ahead. A time to make clear what it is we want to manifest and create in this world…..and what we want to let go of also.
Ancient cultures celebrated the Solstices to bring themselves into alignment with these natural cycles of nature. They would have considered it foolish to ignore these important times as it would mean being out of tune with the rhythms of the universe, the world and our bodies.
By celebrating the Winter Solstice consciously we bring ourselves into alignment with the great mystery of the universe and in doing so we invite health, well-being and abundance into our lives.
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Townley Hall Main House (Meath / Louth), Dowth & Newgrange
Food, Communal Sleeping space, Sauna & Workshops included 84€ | 64€ | 30€ pre-booking required
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TIME OVERNIGHT 20-21DEC, morning-only option available:
♧ Thursday 20th 03:15pm – Friday 21st 02:00pm ♧
**********EVENT BY PRE-BOOKING ONLY***********
Add-on dorm bed
(10 places) Please bring your own bed sheets
€27.50Sale endedEvening only ticket 20Dec
*This ticket is made available to those constrained, unavailable to stay overnight. Food & workshops included. Latest arrival 19:00. NOTE: the full experience is designed such that there is a process, so we as a group can carry out an embodied transmission of Light at Newgrange, here in Ireland. A new frequency, a divine change.
€53.30Sale ended