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 Event hashtag #HarmonyGathering

Time to seed our Dreams! Co-create the world you & i want to live in. Together

Timetable 17.3.19:

All is welcome, All is optional

15:00 - 17:00 Kirtan  
17:00 - 17:45 break 
17:45 - 18:30 Silent Meditation 
18:30 - 20:30 Mantra Movie 
20:30 - 21:00 Dance

Hey, Dreamers of Ireland!

Thank you, dear Universe, for bringing us all together on this Earth:


Whoever you are and whatever draws you in -



Serendipity path-walkers & new Earth dream-weavers, Creative soul artists & visionaries,
business mavericks & whispering change-makers, silent monks & simple kind-hearted humans of this land: 

Past & Upcoming Events:




Happy spring everybody! 

Harmony Gathering ❤, is a St Patricks day celebration with a difference:

Our intention for this day is to create a deeply nourishing dive into the healing power of meditation, chanting and conscious movement.  A truly uplifting day for our mind, body & spirit. It is also an opportunity to offer our intentions, prayers & Irish blessings out around the world, by connecting together with our hearts & through our voices.



We will gather, celebrate our Light and meditate silently with MEDITATATE WITH ME LIVE, a new Live Global meditation movement which has started recently in Ireland.


We will chant our hearts out with Felicity Ananda Kirtan who will help us co-create a nurturing, heart centred space together & share the magic of Kirtan, sacred chants and mantras from around our globe. 🌐



We will deepen our connection to ourselves and others by moving, dancing  & consciously letting go to the rhythms of the night. 💃 🕺 



And of course we will watch this beautiful movie .... 📹 

About the Premiere


Mantra — Sounds into Silence is a feature-length, award-winning documentary that explores the musical and social phenomenon of chant and response meditation.


Featuring world-renown music and performances from Deva Premal & Miten with Manose, Krishna Das, Snatam Kaur, Jai Uttal, MC Yogi, Dave Stringer, Lama Gyurme & Jean-Philippe Rykiel, C.C. White, Mirabai Ceiba, Gaura Vani, Nina Rao, Charlie Braun & Others.


Georgia Wyss’ documentary offers revelations for anyone moved by the simple, subtle, affecting power of song. Exploring the new music & social phenomenon of chanting, focusing on the everyday people who are finding healing 
and a sense of inner peace 
by singing mantras together with others just like them.

This film is about spirituality, not religion: it's about people reconnecting with their true selves and with others.


Bring flyers/business cards for your events, practices, therapies & all other expressions of the creative geniuses you've been germinating all these years. Your music of the soul, your hidden gems - this is what we've all been waiting for, here on this planet Earth.

Whatever your ripening stage is - NOW is the moment.

Time to seed our Dreams! Co-create the world you & i want to live in. Together



 One sunny day, Spring 2013 three of us got in a van and as it started moving, a dream-seed was born: Hey, wouldn't it be cool to ....continue reading here >>




 (near AVIVA Stadium) Chapel of Ease, Irishtown Gospel Hall, 57 Irishtown Rd, Dublin 4, Ireland,

D04 CA43

100 people capacity


[[PRIVACY POLICY]]    [[GDPR Compliance]]

We are grateful these EVOLVED humans are out there doing their share of gateway awakening fun love creativity awareness embodiment, cherishing one another, our bodies and hence the body of our planet Earth. Visionary Pears Hussey's Dublin & Cork Vegfest - so grateful these exist, and the highly-committed Cornucopia  vegetarian-vegan restaurant and the unstoppable Jason Moroney® Vegan Activism  on Grafton Street thereabouts ⍟ Wait but why: map of ACTIVISTS IRELAND LOCATIONS to get involved. Grassroots, peaceful, unshakable whistle-blowing.The Shannon WatchNo Fracking Ireland, Dublin Homeopathy Co-Op (natural vaccines health alternatives) and our local spiritual-healing bookstore DervishThe Girl Against Flouride , LGBT: Marriage Equality Vote Yes activists networkers connectors the Humanists & Interfaith Ministers. Life Change Health Institute (for Darkness to Light  alternative for depression & suicide living the extraordinary life beyond-suffering). Meaningful happy business ideas and planet-service inspirations for homelessness alternative projects of KINDNESS. Jane Stephenson's Marianne Williamson Deepak Chopra Eckhart Tolle conscious talks and workshops a bit like the cool spiritual network events Alternatives in London UK. Awakening Ireland People's Forum, high-vibe cross-pollination networking of Treacy Oconnor,  Courtney Davis's Tara Open Studio in Meath on a Sacred Site of our beloved land 'Hill Of Tara', lads attending the hugging saint Amma event connecting with Winter Solstice Newgrange events and the new Prana Positive Party alcohol-free DANCE space. Paul Congdon's Positive Life Magazine Buddha Bag Positive Nights a real loving humorous space for inspirational talks and lectures in Dublin. Max Leone's Conscious Living Dublin and Peter Obrien's Happenings events of Cork Limerick Kilkenny incl. Dublin outdoor Yoga in the city parks (check out his team's zero-alcohol St.Patrick's Festival initiative y0). Well, as for our EVOLVED BUSINESS and Corporate Wellness Enterprise passionistas the buzz is the Pendulum Summit's Tony Robbins and Richard Branson's Voom for Irish young Entrepreneur (high-impact dream-accomplishers start-ups). Do check out the upcoming Conscious Consumption Ⓝ Meaningful Gifts inspired projects. ARTISTS, MUSICIANS, AUTHORS-TO-BE what if   n o w  is the time to USE YOUR LIFE'S PRECIOUS MOMENTS to go CREATE, create your awakened art. Let's create more, let's consume less. Unite, meet at Freelancers Forum Ireland hosted by positively-workaholic lovely Polish lady Agata's D-Light Studios space for artists and co-working events, with sort of Seomra Sparoi zines vibe to it and a bit like the old warm cuddly space of the Brazilian vegan couple of All You Need Is Love hub. Dancing, crying, laughing, messing, dreaming, co-creating. DOING OUR THING. In stillness. In the momentum. Of effortlessness. Free from expectations. Free from the fear of failure or hopes of success. Free from the cult of "Me". Full of joy of the Servitude & Uplifting each other.

© 2011-2024 Conscious Concert Ireland. All our events [ :: :: :: Power of Love Conscious New Years Eve party] are Vegetarian / Vegan, Alcohol free spaces.  [[PRIVACY POLICY]]    [[GDPR Compliance]]

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